“A tree stands strong not by its fruits or branches, but by the depth of its roots.”
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Are these familiar questions in your business?

  • Why are we always running out of stock of key lines?
  • Why do we have too much stock left at the end of the season?
  • How can we develop processes to keep  track of sales & stock cover?
  • How should we plan, forecast and order to meet seasonal trends?
  • How and when should we be planning next season's range?
  • What margins should we be achieving and how should we build in markdowns?
  • How do we access more resource and experience when we need it?

Managing your stock effectively is key to achieving sales targets, profitability and customer satisfaction.

If you've answered "yes" to any of the above, then I can work with you to improve the performance of your business.

I help my clients to make better planning and forecasting decisions, to buy stock effectively, to maximise sales and to grow profit.

 "The entrepreneur profits to the extent he has succeeded in serving the consumers better than other people have done."
Ludwig van Mises